Sunday, March 13, 2011

Lesson 18 LB #18: Roles and functions of an educatinal media center

              In government,schools and in many offices we have the roles and functions of each individuals. Educational media center has also a roles and functions. Where the functions as a vital instrument as well as a basic requirements for quality education by enriching all parts of the schools education process.
               EMC Srevices: Orientation:selection,organization and circulation of print and non-print materials,reference, Bibliographic service,media Instruction program,class supervised search,Grade level newspaper,maps-on-wheel......................Thank you sir..........yan lng nakayanan ko GOD BLESS U AND UR FAMILY..........

Lesson 17 LB # 17:Assesment in a constructivist,technology-supported learning


                 Examine both the processes and products of students learning.
     the traditional paper-pencil tests are not adequate to assess learning in a constructivist technology-supported learning.
The students are not only users of technology product,they themselves are authors of technology product.Scoring rubrics are therefore, a must in assessment.Students are authors as I understand it should be,especially for the students that has a good idea and can support what there doing.

Lesson 16 LB # 16: Using the project learniong multi-media as a teaching-learning strategy

                                                                                                                                                                                          Estimate how much time you need to spend compared to how much time is available.
As what in lesson # 14 suggested that " Time has wings" We see to it there is a longer time,so that we can surely make things more accurate and this is a multi-media-as task also to see not just in local but also in foreign media news,internet,library materials,community resources both materials and human.

Lesson 15 LB #15: Project-based learning and mul;timedia: WHAT IT IS?


                              Project-based learning redefines the boundaries of the classroom
                     No longer are students confined to learning with in a task in line with the goals and objectives made clear at the start. Time has wings.
   Project-based multi-media learning addresses the basic knowledge and skills,all students are expected to acquire as laid down in the minimum competencies of the basic education curriculum.On the core curriculum were "core" is to emphasize that project-based learning multi-media learning should addresses the basic knowledge and skills all students are expected to acquire,and should not simply be an enrichment or extra-credic activity for a specialfew

Lesson 14 LB # 14:Maximizing the Use of Overhead projector and the chalkboard

                   Using projector vs. chalkboard

Chalkboard was been used since the first school is founded,it still stay and practice until now especially in the remote areas whose who have not been reached by electricity for one reason or another,do not have a computer.
While for now the projector s a big help to make work things out and easy especially in presenting a discussion you don't bother yourself to write word for word.The projector is simple for us to operate.